Present for the Soul: Day 7

When we meet ourselves through the eyes of silence,

our practice begins.


When we speak of awareness we often think of it as our mind, or focus and attention. 

Not quite so.

To put it simply, if the mind would be a light bulb then awareness is the electricity that lights it up. 

Does the quality of our awareness determine the quality of our life?

Awareness is a state that is not being produced or sustained by the mind. It is a state that which is the essence of our being. It is like a big mother holding all of us, all the time. Holding and expanding through us beyond space, time and matter. It is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. We are just not aware of it.

Instead, we are occupied with things, thoughts and people. We barely notice Pure Awareness being present yet it is always present

Without it, we wouldn’t exist.

It might be a little hard to understand what I’m talking about but only because pure awareness is not something you can understand with your mind. Having knowledge about it is important if you want to have a discussion and more in-depth explanations but the pure experience is what matters the most. Through the experience, you can become aware of Pure Awareness.

What I enjoy the most about being in this state is that there are no worries, no plans or distractions present at all in me.
The mind is not occupied with the construction of images, ideas and thoughts. 

It gives me freedom, that which is not dependent on anything. It also holds no limitation and it’s always my choice whether or not I want to stay there. 

I invite you to listen to this recording as the purest gift you ever received. Prepare your heart, soften your thoughts and welcome this state.


Click play to listen to the meditation:



After each guided meditation or movement practice, you will receive a task, so you can bring whatever you’ve learned in here into your day, your job, your practice out there. Take the opportunity to create a life where you actually enjoy to exist in a coherent way, in balance with nature, Self and others.

Furthermore, you will also receive an affirmation or mantra for that specific day which you can repeat it several ways but here’s my tip for it:

Repeat the sentence mentally (silently) with your exhale for 12 breath cycles (one breath cycle: exhale-inhale) so it can sink all the way to your core. 

(Read after the meditation)

Take a deep breath in…hold it……let it out…



Our focus was to come to a state of expansion, clarity and a sense of lightness within our bodies. 

  • Were you able to sense that? 
  • If not what do you think was the cause?
  • Absence of focus?
  • Chattering mind?
  • Uncomfortable position? 

Name it and write it down.

Today I invite you to take a look at how much time do you spend in this state.

  • How often am I able to release my mind?
  • Can I fully let go of tension in my body and just be?
  • What is keeping me from doing so?

At the end of the day before falling asleep I invite you to recall in your mind the meditation we did together. Try to recall:

  • any sentence I said
  • any sensation you felt
  • any micro-release that appeared

And most importantly, become aware of your awareness again. Find that feeling over and over again. Let this be the last thing you do in your day.



“I am aware of being aware.”

(Repeat this sentence for 12 breath cycles, with each exhales.)

It’s your turn now to
share with others how your experience was!